Sunday, 7 October 2012

The week that was....

I have really neglected my blog over the last 7 days... It has been a long 7 days!

It started with a still poorly 10 year old who did play rugby but then came home from daddies for cuddles - sometimes they just need their mummy right?

My stress levels from an rash caused by ? kept my blood pressure sky high! So I charged head long into a 4 day week of teaching literally all over the county!

Monday was a drive to Cheltenham with my lovely bunch of young mums. There are eight of them working at their own pace through making cushions out of clothing that means a lot to them. They are motivated, but need lots of breaks and gossipping!

Usually I am pretty chilled with them, but anxiety about Maxi meant my mind was at school with him. All of year 6 had gone on an adventure week in Wales, but he couldn't go due to the sleepy nature of the tablets he was taking... so one devastated 10 yo dropped at the school gates tends to make you feel crap!

Tuesday was Cheltenham assisting in a class of silk painting and it was fascinating - never painted silk before. It was with my usual Tuesday ladies who are lovely, but I wasn't the lead teacher. So less pressure! Tuesday night was Cubs complete with technical faults and fun!

Wednesday was the longest drive to Tewkesbury to teach a brand new group of lovely ladies! All funny and interested in sewing. I have to say I spent the whole 3 hours laughing, drinking cups of tea and watching with pride as they played with the sewing machines and made a pin cushion.

I can tell you the drive home was tiring... I was on the edge by Wednesday afternoon!

Thursday I went back to Gloucester to help the learners cuts out their patterns from the silk. They are making outfits for a housing association open evening. They will be walking down the catwalk showing the rest of their community what they have done during sewing classes. Great fun, but it took the last of my energy reserves - I was very grumpy during cake making at mini Scouts that evening!

Friday was a private lesson in my studio which was pressure free, but I did spend an hour tidying and sorting through the studio because it was such a tip! My last class of the day was cancelled due to my gorgeous 10 yo coming home in floods of tears - all of his friends had come back full of excitement about their trip... it was just too much for him. Cuddles and movies were order of the day!

I think I covered over 200 miles last week... and I am set to repeat the week again... but my stress levels are slightly lower as maxi is just fine and I have 3 hours off this morning!

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