Saturday, 3 August 2013

Making a Start... City and Guild

So the email arrived delivering my first 3 modules of the City and Guild course... it kinda scared the pants off me!

It is really in depth and full of information!

After glancing through it and freaking out, I gave myself a stern talking to!

Take a step at a time like I do everything in life..

So yesterday I spent a small fortune on:

It is 20+ years since I bought artist equipment - I dropped art GCSE for biology.... So I panicked about even having to draw!

You start with simple line drawings:

Than add some structure, I cut into mine:

Peppers are pretty beautiful things! I do remember spending hours in art at school cutting fruit and vegetables to draw in the internal structure.... Not too shabby, given a total lack of drawing for 20 years!

Then create a window using card to focus on a section:

Take a section and enlarge it. Then fill with design - like you are doodling:

And there it is!

The first 2 exercises nearly done got to copy this and colour it in with 2 different colours. Then repeat the selection of a window to enlarge.

It has been fun and I am not feeling so freaked out - so slow, steady and one chunk at a time is the way to go!


  1. You did a fab job! Can't wait to see it all coloured in :)

  2. Looks great, I remember doing something v similar for GCSE art - good luck!
