It was a nerve wracking decision because it involves investing a lot of money in me...
I finally signed up for my City and Guilds Level 3 in Machine Embroidery!
I decided on Machine Embroidery because I have fallen in love with texture and the correspondence between the texture you see and what you feel...
Love adding texture through quilting |
Not sure that makes sense, but that is my reason for picking that over patchwork and quilting.
Why now?
Well, I teach classes all over, but I want to be able to work in a more conventional setting like a school or college once mini has grown a bit more. To do that I need a qualification - a degree in Astrophysics doesn't count when you want to be a textiles artist/teacher!
So a new journey will be begin in the next week or so when I get the first 3 modules through. It is a long journey of 3 years, but I am so looking forward to it!
Now to fit it in with teaching, scouting and 3 boys.....
And deal with the slight anxiety that I don't have the right skills....