The quilt made it onto the FAL Q1 list, but I didn't manage to complete it! It then went onto FAL Q2 list... and it is finished!
It is made up of scrappy triangles sewn straight onto a white background. The seams are open to able to fray!
It did start out rectangular, but when I had finished quilting I realised that backing did not match up anymore!
So I took a rotary cutter and started cutting the edges into free hand curves!
Turns out it worked a treat!
I quilted the quilt with pebbles, snail shells, swirls and feathers!
It was great fun and adding loads of texture to the quilt.
So the last finished of FAL Q2 was a fun exploration into more curves and FMQ textures!

I love this Anna - so cute and great FMQ on all the negative space. It will be so tactile when all the arrows have frayed. Gorgeous!